ICD-10-CM Book 2024 Edition

Chapters  /  Chapter 1  /  B35-B49  /  B48
B48 Other mycoses, not elsewhere classified
B48.0 Lobomycosis
Keloidal blastomycosis
Lobo's disease
B48.1 Rhinosporidiosis
B48.2 Allescheriasis
Infection due to Pseudallescheria boydii
Excludes1 eumycetoma (B47.0)
B48.3 Geotrichosis
Geotrichum stomatitis
B48.4 Penicillosis
B48.8 Other specified mycoses
Infection of tissue and organs by Alternaria
Infection of tissue and organs by Drechslera
Infection of tissue and organs by Fusarium
Infection of tissue and organs by saprophytic fungi NEC