ICD-10-CM Book 2024 Edition

Chapters  /  Chapter 21  /  Z00-Z13  /  Z05
Z05 Encounter for observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected diseases and conditions ruled out
This category is to be used for newborns, within the neonatal period (the first 28 days of life), who are suspected of having an abnormal condition, but without signs or symptoms, and which, after examination and observation, is ruled out.
Z05.0 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected cardiac condition ruled out
age Newborn: 0
Z05.1 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected infectious condition ruled out
age Newborn: 0
Z05.2 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected neurological condition ruled out
age Newborn: 0
Z05.3 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected respiratory condition ruled out
age Newborn: 0
Z05.4 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected genetic, metabolic or immunologic condition ruled out
Z05.41 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected genetic condition ruled out
age Newborn: 0
Z05.42 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected metabolic condition ruled out
age Newborn: 0
Z05.43 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected immunologic condition ruled out
age Newborn: 0
Z05.5 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected gastrointestinal condition ruled out
age Newborn: 0
Z05.6 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected genitourinary condition ruled out
age Newborn: 0
Z05.7 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected skin, subcutaneous, musculoskeletal and connective tissue condition ruled out
Z05.71 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected skin and subcutaneous tissue condition ruled out
age Newborn: 0
Z05.72 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected musculoskeletal condition ruled out
age Newborn: 0
Z05.73 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected connective tissue condition ruled out
age Newborn: 0
Z05.8 Observation and evaluation of newborn for other specified suspected condition ruled out
age Newborn: 0
Z05.81 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected condition related to home physiologic monitoring device ruled out
Encounter for observation of newborn for apnea alarm without findings
Encounter for observation of newborn for bradycardia alarm without findings
Encounter for observation of newborn for malfunction of home cardiorespiratory monitor
Encounter for observation of newborn for non-specific findings home physiologic monitoring device
Encounter for observation of newborn for pulse oximeter alarm without findings
Excludes1 encounter for observation for suspected conditions related to home physiologic monitoring device ruled out (Z03.83)
neonatal bradycardia (P29.12)
other newborn apnea (P28.4-)
primary sleep apnea of newborn (P28.3-)
Z05.89 Observation and evaluation of newborn for other specified suspected condition ruled out
Z05.9 Observation and evaluation of newborn for unspecified suspected condition ruled out
age Newborn: 0