ICD-10-CM Book 2024 Edition

Chapters  /  Chapter 12  /  L49-L54

Urticaria and erythema (L49-L54)

Excludes1: Lyme disease (A69.2-)
rosacea (L71.-)
L49 Exfoliation due to erythematous conditions according to extent of body surface involved
CodeFirst erythematous condition causing exfoliation, such as:
Ritter's disease (L00)
(Staphylococcal) scalded skin syndrome (L00)
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (L51.1)
Stevens-Johnson syndrome-toxic epidermal necrolysis
overlap syndrome (L51.3)
Toxic epidermal necrolysis (L51.2)
L49.0 Exfoliation due to erythematous condition involving less than 10 percent of body surface
Exfoliation due to erythematous condition NOS
nonPrimary Yes
L49.1 Exfoliation due to erythematous condition involving 10-19 percent of body surface
nonPrimary Yes
L49.2 Exfoliation due to erythematous condition involving 20-29 percent of body surface
nonPrimary Yes
L49.3 Exfoliation due to erythematous condition involving 30-39 percent of body surface
nonPrimary Yes
L49.4 Exfoliation due to erythematous condition involving 40-49 percent of body surface
nonPrimary Yes
L49.5 Exfoliation due to erythematous condition involving 50-59 percent of body surface
nonPrimary Yes
L49.6 Exfoliation due to erythematous condition involving 60-69 percent of body surface
nonPrimary Yes
L49.7 Exfoliation due to erythematous condition involving 70-79 percent of body surface
nonPrimary Yes
L49.8 Exfoliation due to erythematous condition involving 80-89 percent of body surface
nonPrimary Yes
L49.9 Exfoliation due to erythematous condition involving 90 or more percent of body surface
nonPrimary Yes
L50 Urticaria
Excludes1 allergic contact dermatitis (L23.-)
angioneurotic edema (T78.3)
giant urticaria (T78.3)
hereditary angio-edema (D84.1)
Quincke's edema (T78.3)
serum urticaria (T80.6-)
solar urticaria (L56.3)
urticaria neonatorum (P83.8)
urticaria papulosa (L28.2)
urticaria pigmentosa (D47.01)
L50.0 Allergic urticaria
L50.1 Idiopathic urticaria
L50.2 Urticaria due to cold and heat
Excludes2 familial cold urticaria (M04.2)
L50.3 Dermatographic urticaria
L50.4 Vibratory urticaria
L50.5 Cholinergic urticaria
L50.6 Contact urticaria
L50.8 Other urticaria
Chronic urticaria
Recurrent periodic urticaria
L50.9 Urticaria, unspecified
L51 Erythema multiforme
UseAdditionalCode code for adverse effect, if applicable, to identify drug (T36-T50 with fifth or sixth character 5)
UseAdditionalCode code to identify associated manifestations, such as:
arthropathy associated with dermatological disorders (M14.8-)
conjunctival edema (H11.42)
conjunctivitis (H10.22-)
corneal scars and opacities (H17.-)
corneal ulcer (H16.0-)
edema of eyelid (H02.84-)
inflammation of eyelid (H01.8)
keratoconjunctivitis sicca (H16.22-)
mechanical lagophthalmos (H02.22-)
stomatitis (K12.-)
symblepharon (H11.23-)
UseAdditionalCode code to identify percentage of skin exfoliation (L49.-)
Excludes1 staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (L00)
Ritter's disease (L00)
L51.0 Nonbullous erythema multiforme
L51.1 Stevens-Johnson syndrome
L51.2 Toxic epidermal necrolysis [Lyell]
L51.3 Stevens-Johnson syndrome-toxic epidermal necrolysis overlap syndrome
SJS-TEN overlap syndrome
L51.8 Other erythema multiforme
L51.9 Erythema multiforme, unspecified
Erythema iris
Erythema multiforme major NOS
Erythema multiforme minor NOS
Herpes iris
L52 Erythema nodosum
Excludes1 tuberculous erythema nodosum (A18.4)
L53 Other erythematous conditions
Excludes1 erythema ab igne (L59.0)
erythema due to external agents in contact with skin (L23-L25)
erythema intertrigo (L30.4)
L53.0 Toxic erythema
CodeFirst poisoning due to drug or toxin, if applicable (T36-T65 with fifth or sixth character 1-4)
UseAdditionalCode code for adverse effect, if applicable, to identify drug (T36-T50 with fifth or sixth character 5)
Excludes1 neonatal erythema toxicum (P83.1)
L53.1 Erythema annulare centrifugum
L53.2 Erythema marginatum
L53.3 Other chronic figurate erythema
L53.8 Other specified erythematous conditions
L53.9 Erythematous condition, unspecified
Erythema NOS
Erythroderma NOS
L54 Erythema in diseases classified elsewhere
CodeFirst underlying disease.
nonPrimary Yes