ICD-10-CM Book 2024 Edition

Chapters  /  Chapter 16  /  P80-P83  /  P83
P83 Other conditions of integument specific to newborn
Excludes1 congenital malformations of skin and integument (Q80-Q84)
hydrops fetalis due to hemolytic disease (P56.-)
neonatal skin infection (P39.4)
staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (L00)
Excludes2 cradle cap (L21.0)
diaper [napkin] dermatitis (L22)
P83.0 Sclerema neonatorum
P83.1 Neonatal erythema toxicum
P83.2 Hydrops fetalis not due to hemolytic disease
Hydrops fetalis NOS
P83.3 Other and unspecified edema specific to newborn
P83.30 Unspecified edema specific to newborn
P83.39 Other edema specific to newborn
P83.4 Breast engorgement of newborn
Noninfective mastitis of newborn
P83.5 Congenital hydrocele
sex Male
P83.6 Umbilical polyp of newborn
P83.8 Other specified conditions of integument specific to newborn
P83.81 Umbilical granuloma
Excludes2 Granulomatous disorder of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, unspecified (L92.9)
P83.88 Other specified conditions of integument specific to newborn
Bronze baby syndrome
Neonatal scleroderma
Urticaria neonatorum
P83.9 Condition of the integument specific to newborn, unspecified