ICD-10-CM Book 2024 Edition

Chapters  /  Chapter 20  /  X10-X19  /  X11
X11 Contact with hot tap-water
Includes contact with boiling tap-water
contact with boiling water NOS
Excludes1 contact with water heated on stove (X12)
char7Note The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category X11
char7Def A: initial encounter
D: subsequent encounter
S: sequela
X11.0 Contact with hot water in bath or tub
Excludes1 contact with running hot water in bath or tub (X11.1)
X11.1 Contact with running hot water
Contact with hot water running out of hose
Contact with hot water running out of tap
X11.8 Contact with other hot tap-water
Contact with hot water in bucket
Contact with hot tap-water NOS