ICD-10-CM Book 2024 Edition

Chapters  /  Chapter 20  /  Y90-Y99  /  Y99
Y99 External cause status
Notes A single code from category Y99 should be used in conjunction with the external cause code(s) assigned to a record to indicate the status of the person at the time the event occurred.
Y99.0 Civilian activity done for income or pay
Civilian activity done for financial or other compensation
Excludes1 military activity (Y99.1)
volunteer activity (Y99.2)
Y99.1 Military activity
Excludes1 activity of off duty military personnel (Y99.8)
Y99.2 Volunteer activity
Excludes1 activity of child or other family member assisting in compensated work of other family member (Y99.8)
Y99.8 Other external cause status
Activity NEC
Activity of child or other family member assisting in compensated work of other family member
Hobby not done for income
Leisure activity
Off-duty activity of military personnel
Recreation or sport not for income or while a student
Student activity
Excludes1 civilian activity done for income or compensation (Y99.0)
military activity (Y99.1)
Y99.9 Unspecified external cause status