ICD-10-CM Book 2024 Edition

Chapters  /  Chapter 5  /  F90-F98  /  F94
F94 Disorders of social functioning with onset specific to childhood and adolescence
F94.0 Selective mutism
Elective mutism
Excludes2 pervasive developmental disorders (F84.-)
schizophrenia (F20.-)
specific developmental disorders of speech and language (F80.-)
transient mutism as part of separation anxiety in young children (F93.0)
F94.1 Reactive attachment disorder of childhood
UseAdditionalCode code to identify any associated failure to thrive or growth retardation
Excludes1 disinhibited attachment disorder of childhood (F94.2)
normal variation in pattern of selective attachment
Excludes2 Asperger's syndrome (F84.5)
maltreatment syndromes (T74.-)
sexual or physical abuse in childhood, resulting in psychosocial problems (Z62.81-)
F94.2 Disinhibited attachment disorder of childhood
Affectionless psychopathy
Institutional syndrome
Excludes1 reactive attachment disorder of childhood (F94.1)
Excludes2 Asperger's syndrome (F84.5)
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders (F90.-)
hospitalism in children (F43.2-)
F94.8 Other childhood disorders of social functioning
F94.9 Childhood disorder of social functioning, unspecified